Better health through better lifestyle
Bandolier gives sound advice to improve health through simple life style changes. Do not miss the 10 point plan pdf. By following them you will be well at the tail of the distribution!
What to do and what to expect in the next hundred years.
Bandolier gives sound advice to improve health through simple life style changes. Do not miss the 10 point plan pdf. By following them you will be well at the tail of the distribution!
During these last days I have been browsing across a number of transhumanist blogs and websites. The funny thing is that most of what can be found is just hype and unrealistic babble. Most of the people are just supporters. Transhumanism seems to be a heavily backed ideology, at least in verbal terms. However, there doesn't seem to be much real activity, at least from these enthusiastic supporters that seem to abound. It's okay not to be able to help. It's okay even to only do advocacy. But it would be much more useful and satisfying to contribute in more substantial ways to make true one's beliefs. Some substantial contributions can be:
As you probably know, at the beginning of this week there was a clinical trial that ended badly.
I have read in betterhumans that there is some interest in making cosmetic creams that would avoid telomer shortening, or that may be able to recover shortened telomeres in skin cells.
Marshall Brain's Manna is a very interesting story about how technology can either slave us or free us. It's a very good reminder of some powerful ideas:
Some hours ago I went to the Nature website. To my surprise, I found a news article called "Fusion power gets slammed". In it, Nature's reporter Mark Peplow comments on the Science's policy forum I talked about in a previous post.
A book by Charles Seife, entitled "Decoding the Universe: How the New Science of Information Is Explaining Everything in the Cosmos, from Our Brains to Black Holes
A key question that appears in movies like "The Matrix" and alike is: What is real?, or What is reality? . An answer to that question is totally out of our reach, and not really useful. The appropriate question for me is:
You may remember the movie "Back to the Future". At the end of it, "Doc" Brown returns from the future with his time machine, asking Marty to join in. As the car needs refueling for the flux capacitor, Doc puts some organic rubbish into the new Mr Fusion. They are ready to return to 2015.
Browsing through BetterHumans, I came across a blog entry (Who's who in biotech), which commented on a feature with the same name published in Nature Biotechnology.
As you probably know, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a highly used antioxidant. NAC is not a bogus medicine. Its reducing capacity makes it a valuable antidote of acetaminophen poisoning. Apart from its utility as mucolytic, NAC is a common ingredient of many “anti-aging pills”. The idea behind NAC as anti-aging agent is that it would protect the cells from oxidative stress. NAC is pretty safe, so it can be administered for long periods at significant doses without visible side effects. It would be nice, however, to know how much and how often it should be administered. This leads us to NAC pharmacokinetics. It is not our today’s objective to write a treatise on pharmacokinetics, so we will go through a couple of concepts to illustrate where is the point. A simple definition will suffice: Pharmacokinetics is what the body does to the drug. Being so, it implies:
A simple and informative way to have a gross view of what happens to a drug in humans it to administer it and take blood samples at defined intervals. In the case of NAC, if it is administered orally we will be able to know how much of it enters the blood stream, and how long it stays there.
We are in 2006 at the time I am writing this, and it may seem that any study on NAC that is 15 years old is probably irrelevant. After all, a blog is about hectic news, isn’t it?
In fact, by 1991 there were even reviews published about NAC pharmacokinetics. A fast search in PubMed shows a very interesting piece of information. The terminal half life of NAC if of 6.25 hours. That means that, excluding absorption effects, NAC levels decrease to 50% of its initial concentration in 6.25 hours. Translated to practical words, it implies that a single dose of 200 mg of NAC will be like a 50 mg dose after 12 hours. We don’t know how much NAC is needed to protect from aging. We don’t even know if NAC has any real anti‑aging effect. But it is clear that if we bet for the protective effects of NAC, it is reasonable to expect that high blood levels of NAC will have better chances of showing anti‑aging effects. Given its high safety window, its not probable that maximizing exposure will yield any undesired effects.
Having said all that, the question is: How can we increase exposure with this kind of pharmacokinetics profile? We can increase exposure by dividing the daily dose in as many takes as reasonable. This will ensure an almost constant level of NAC. For this purpose, it is better to take two doses of X mg every 12 hours than taking 2X mg every 24 hours. This assumes that X mg orally is enough for its desired effects.
How can we do this in a practical way?
As you can imagine, this analysis applies to any molecule that has a short half life, so it is probably a good idea to divide any anti‑aging complex in fragments, so they can be taken along the day. For the components that have long half lives, it won’t make any difference to take them in more than one dose along the day.
I only know about one of those supplements that are already fragmented. The Kurzweil’s & Grossman’s “Total Care Daily Formula” has a serving size of 6 tablets (yes, I know… quite difficult to swallow). Those six tablets can be taken one by one along the day*. I will be happy to know about other supplements that can have a daily dosage of more than one pill. Do not hesitate to comment on it (or any other issue about this post) if you want to do so.
In fact, I wish there were vitamin/antioxidant supplements formulated like small candies, so I could take one every time I have a craving for something sweet…
Next time we will talk about vitamin C and its pharmacokinetics.
*(I don’t have any relationship with Ray & Terry’s)
Life is possible because the millions of cells that compose our bodies agree to perform their roles. They do what they have to do at the precise place, and only at the right moment. Some important tasks that have to be precisely regulated are:
As we live, some of our cells divide, while others perform their tasks in a non dividing state. Both groups of cells, dividing and not dividing, are exposed to aggressions through their life. Some examples of these damaging influences are exogenous toxins, reactive molecules generated by the body metabolism, and cosmic rays. Our body has many protective systems to cope with these attacks. However, as powerful as those systems are, in some cases a cell does not fully revert to its original state. Those altered cells are a potential security risk for the body. If the damages are located in processes that control any of the tasks indicated above, the cell is getting closer to a malignant state. There are two ways to stop this dangerous progression: cell senescence and apoptosis. Cell senescence makes a cell unable to divide, protecting the organism from cancer. Apoptosis induces the cell to commit suicide, protecting the organism from what may happen if the cell stays alive.
As we age, more and more cells enter apoptosis to protect the organism, and more and more cells get senescent. Senescent cells are less functional than normal cells, and do not contribute to the pool of dividing progenitors. The tissues have less and less cells that work at peak efficiency, so the function degrades progressively. The regeneration capacity decreases with age. Our defences decrease with age. In the end, any random strike can blow us away.
Cancer cells are cells that escape controls. Senescent cells are cells that do not escape controls, but who are not healthy enough to divide and work as young cells. The only way to have a long and healthy life is to have good repair systems to keep every cell in good condition for as long as possible, and to have good premalignant cell removal systems (apoptosis and senescence).
In the past I was very hopeful about results coming from studies performed with progeroid syndromes. I expected them to shed some light into the processes that are involved in normal senescence. Nowadays, however, I believe that they have taught us all that the could. I think that aging is due to two different causes:
In all the progeroid syndromes there is at least one of these situations:
So far, we have found no clue of a senescence regulating system. There are ways to slow aging, of course (we will talk about them in later entries), but all of them seem not to clearly increase the overall fitness of the individual.
I rather prefer to die at 75 of an infection that I could easily cope with if I am only 30, than not getting to 75 because I die of cancer at 40. I believe that natural selection thinks the same as me in this case, so it has optimised our repair/kill/arrest systems to get the most of them.
If we want to live significantly longer we have to reengineer both our repair and anticancer systems.
Kids with of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria (HGPS) suffer a fast and devastating kind of accelerating aging syndrome. They experience many symptoms common to normal senility, as atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and hair loss. The life expectancy of HGPS children is extremely short. Most of them die in their early teens. The gene responsible of typical HGPS has been identified in 2003. HGPS is due to mutations in the lamin A gene.
Lamins are proteins that belong to the nuclear lamina, a network of proteins underlying the inner nuclear membrane. In normal cells, prelamin A attaches to the inner nucleus membrane. The attachment to the membrane is done by adding a farnesyl group to the prelamin A. This modification is done by an enzyme called farnesyl transferase (FT). Once farnesylated prelamin A is bound to the nucleus membrane, another enzyme called ZMPSTE24 trims it to render functional lamin.
HGPS patients have prelamin versions that are not cut by ZMPSTE24, so the non functional farnesylated prelamin accumulates, leading to problems in nucleus morphology and function.
A group from an UCLA team has raised hopes of having a treatment to alleviate HGPS kids. They used mice deficient in ZMPSTE24 to determine if FT inhibitors could ameliorate the progression of HGPS. Treated with ABT-100 (a FT inhibitor), mice mutant of ZMPSTE24 had less osteoporosis, better growth and, less drop in grip strength than mutant mice not treated with ABT-100.
FT inhibitors were developed in the past as anticancer drugs, though they revealed disappointing in the clinic. Being FT inhibitors not too toxic, they could be used to treat HGPS. The results obtained with ABT-100 are expected to boost clinical trials with HGPS kids.
To know more about ZMPSTE24, you can start here.
To know more about HGPS, you can start here.
To know more about lamin, you can start here.
None. And all.
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